독립서점 출판사 창업 운영/강다방 여행 가이드

강릉 바다 18 Gangneung Beaches 18

강다방 2025. 2. 13. 14:00







강릉 바다 18 Gangneung Beaches 18



누구나 언제나 찾아 갈 수 있는
자신만의 바다가 있길 바라며

Hoping that everyone has their own beach
they can visit anytime








강릉의 바다
Gangneung's Beaches

강릉 이주 6년차. 주변에서 하도 가장 가까운 바다가 어디예요? 어느 바다가 좋아요? 물어봐 제작하게 된 강릉 바다 가이드북. 여기도 좋고 저기도 좋고 다 좋은데 어떻게 설명할 방법이 없어서 만들어보았다. 관광객들에게 널리 알려진 안목과 경포 외에도 강릉에는 멋진 바다들이 많다. 그러니 때로는 한 번도 가보지 않은 각기 다른 매력의 바다도 용감히 도전해봤으면 좋겠다. 안목부터 주문진까지 해안도로, 정동진부터 심곡까지 해안단구 부채길, 괘방산을 오르며 동해바다도 내려다 볼 수 있으니 차가 아닌 천천히 바다를 따라 걸어보는 것도 추천한다. '누구나 바닷가 하나씩은, 자기만의 바닷가가 있는 게 좋다’ (정호승, 바닷가에 대하여)는 말처럼 여러분들에게도 언제든 찾아갈 수 있는 자신만의 바다가 있길 바란다.

6 years into living in Gangneung. This guidebook about Gangneung's beaches was created because people around me kept asking, “Which beach is the closest? Which one is the best?” With so many beautiful beaches, I found it hard to explain without putting it down on paper. Beyond popular spots like Anmok and Gyeongpo, Gangneung boasts many breathtaking coastal locations. So, I hope readers will dare to explore these lesser-known beaches, each with its unique charm. The coastal road from Anmok to Jumunjin, the scenic Jeongdongjin-Simgok Bada Buchaegil trail along the coastal cliffs, and the view of the East Sea from the top of Mt. Gwaebang are all worth experiencing at a slower pace. As poet Jeong Ho-seung wrote, "It’s good for everyone to have a beach of their own." I hope that each of you finds a beach here that you can return to whenever you wish.








Table of Contents

강릉의 바다 Gangneung's Beaches ... 3
차례 Table of Contents ... 4


북쪽 바다 Northern Beaches of Gangneung

향호해변, 주문진해변, 소돌해변
Hyangho Beach, Jumunjin Beach, Sodol Beach ... 7
주문진 등대, 주문진항, 주문진 수산시장, 드라마 도깨비 촬영지 (주문진 방사제)
Jumunjin Lighthouse, Port, Jumunjin Fish Market, Filming Location for Goblin (K-drama) Jumunjin Groyne ... 8
영진해변, 연곡해변, 영진카페거리, 영진항, 연곡솔향기캠핑장
Yeongjin, Yeongok Beach, Yeongjin Cafe Street, Port, Yeongok Solhyangi Pine Scent Campground ... 9
하평해변, 사천진해변, 사천해변
Hapyeong Beach, Sacheonjin Beach, Sacheon Beach ... 10
순포해변, 순포습지 Sunpo Beach, Wetland ... 11
순긋해변, 순개울해변, 사근진해변 Sungeut Beach, Sungaeul Beach, Sageunjin Beach ... 12

시내권 바다 Beaches Near the City Centre


경포해변, 경포호, 경포생태저류지
Gyeongpo Beach, Gyeongpo Lake Lagoon, Gyeongpo Wetland Retarding Basin ... 13
강문해변, 초당동 두부마을
Gangmun Beach, Chodang Dubu Tofu Village ... 14
송정해변, 해송숲
Songjeong Beach, Pine Tree Forest ... 15
안목해변, 안목커피거리, 강릉항
Anmok Beach, Coffee Street, Gangneung Port ... 16
남항진해변 Namhangjin Beach ... 17

남쪽 바다 Southern Beaches of Gangneung


하시동고분 Hasidong Gobungun Ancient Tomb ... 18
염전해변, 안인항 Yeomjeon Beach, Anin Port ... 19
등명해변 Deungmyeong Beach ... 20
고성목해변, 정동진해변, 정동진역
Goseongmok Beach, Jeongdongjin Beach, Jeongdongjin Train Station ... 21
정동-심곡 바다부채길, 헌화로
Jeongdong-Simgok Badabuchaegil Sea Fan Cliff Trail Cliff Trail, Heonhwa-ro ... 22
금진해변 Geumjin Beach ... 23
옥계해변 Okgye Beach ... 24


부서져도 다시 일어나는 파도처럼
Like the waves that break but rise again ... 26






BTS 버스정류장 (앨범 자켓 사진 촬영지), 소돌항

강릉 가장 북쪽에 있는 해변들. 향호해변 북쪽으로는 양양 지경리해변과 이어진다. 강릉 북쪽의 해변들은 강릉 시내와 거리가있어 휴가철에도 비교적 한산한 바다를 볼 수 있다.


향호해변은 과거 다니는 사람이 없어 도로에서 그물 정리하고 말리는 곳이었는데, BTS 앨범 자켓 사진 촬영 장소가 되며 지금은 전 세계 아미 팬들이 방문하는 곳이 되었다. 향호해변 뒤에는 호수와 바다가 연결된 석호 향호가 있는데, 과거 부처님께 공양 바칠 향나무를 호수에 묻어 향호가 되었다.

주문진해변에는 강릉 사람들이 째복이라 부르는 비단조개가 많이 나오고, 주문진해변 아래 소돌해변은 물이 맑고 수심이 얕아 강릉 시민들이 아이를 데리고 가는 해변이다. 군소, 불가사리, 게 등 바다에 사는 생물도 관찰할 수 있다.


Hyangho·Jumunjin·Sodol Beach
BTS Bus Stop (Album Jacket Shooting Site Location), Sodol Port

The beaches at the northern edge of Gangneung, connect with Yangyang’s Jigyeongni Beach further north. They tend to remain relatively quiet even during peak vacation seasons.

Hyangho Beach wasn't popular spot. However, after BTS used it as a photoshoot location for an album cover, it has since become a global destination visited by ARMY fans from all over the world. Behind Hyangho Beach is Lake Hyangho, a lagoon that connects with the sea.

At Jumunjin Beach, there’s an abundance of Venus clams, known locally as “jjaebok.” Just south of Jumunjin is Sodol Beach, where the water is clear and shallow, making it a popular spot for local families with children. Here, visitors can also spot marine life like sea slugs and starfish.







주문진 등대·항·수산시장
주문진 방사제 (드라마 도깨비 촬영지)

펄떡이는 바다를 느낄 수 있는 곳. 동해안에서 큰 항구 중 하나인 주문진항이 있다.
다른 시장에는 없는 수산시장만의 특별한 활기가 있다. 이른 아침에 주문진 항에 가면 수산물 경매하는 것을 구경할 수 있다. 주문진 등대에서 내려다보는 주문진 읍내와 바다 전망도 참 멋지다.

과거 주문진은 번성했던 항구로 인구가 3만명을 넘어선 적도 있지만, 현재는 산업구조의 변화, 어족자원의 고갈로 인구가 1.5만명으로 줄어든 상태다. 그래서인지 주문진 읍내를 걷다 보면 과거의 번성했던 흔적을 쉽게 찾아 볼 수 있다. 강다방이 처음 강릉으로 이주해 게스트하우스를 했던 곳. 그래서 제2의 고향 같은 곳이다.

Jumunjin Lighthouse·Port·Fish Market·Groyne
Jumunjin Groyne Filming Location for Goblin (K-drama)

Jumunjin, home to one of the largest ports on the East Coast, is a place where you can truly feel the energy of the sea. The seafood market at Jumunjin Port has a unique, bustling atmosphere that can’t be found in other markets. If you visit early in the morning, you can catch the seafood auctions in action. The view from the Jumunjin Lighthouse is also beautiful, offering a scenic overlook.

In the past, Jumunjin was a thriving port town, with a population once exceeding 30,000. However, due to changes in industry and the depletion of fishery resources, the population has now dwindled to around 15,000. This history is still evident when walking through the town, as traces of its once prosperous days can be easily found. Jumunjin is also where I first settled when moving to Gangneung and ran a guesthouse, making it feel like a second home to me.




영진카페거리, 영진항, 연곡솔향기캠핑장

강릉에 있는 해변 중 아마도 가장 길고 넓은 모래사장을 만날 수 있는 곳이 아닐까 싶다. 영진 카페거리부터 주문진 방사제(도깨비 촬영지)까지 해안을 따라 도로가 있는데, 풍광을 가리는 건물, 인위적 구조물이 없어 깔끔한 바다를 볼 수 있다. 영진해변에는 카페들이 해안도로를 따라 자리 잡고 있는데, 강릉 사람들만 아는 숨겨진 커피거리이기도 하다. 주문진 등 강릉 북부권 사람들은 안목 대신 영진에서 커피를 마신다. 영진해변 바로 아래는 연곡솔향기캠핑장이 있는데 이름처럼 솔향기 가득한 솔밭에서 캠핑을 즐길 수 있다. 전국에서 손꼽히는 캠핑장 중 하나다.

Yeongjin·Yeongok Beach
Yeongjin Cafe Street, Port, Yeongok Pine Scent Campground

This is perhaps the longest and widest sandy beach in Gangneung. A coastal road stretches from Yeongjin Cafe Street to Jumunjin Groyne (a famous Goblin filming location), providing a clear view of the sea without buildings or artificial structures obstructing the scenery.

Along Yeongjin Beach, cafes are lined up along the coastal road, making it a hidden coffee street known only to Gangneung locals. People from northern Gangneung areas, like Jumunjin, often choose to enjoy coffee here rather than
at the more popular Anmok.

Just below Yeongjin Beach is the Yeongok Pine Scent Campground, where visitors can camp in a pine forest filled with the fragrance of pine trees. It’s known as one of the top camping sites in the country.









강릉에는 주로 서핑하는 해변은 크게 2곳이 있는데, 이곳 사천해변이 그중 하나다. 사천진항부터 사천해변까지 안목처럼 크진 않지만 해안도로를 따라 몇몇 카페들도 위치해있다. 사천진해변에는 바위섬이 하나 있는데 짧지만 다리로 연결되어 있어 바다를 건너 섬으로 들어가 볼 수도 있다. 하평해변, 사천진해변, 사천해변은 대중교통으로 가기는 쉽지 않다. 강릉 시내에서 바로 가는 버스는 없는데, 시티버스나 마실버스(강릉 마을버스)로 환승해 갈 수 있다. 혹 안목과 주문진을 해안도로를 따라 연결하는 시티버스를 탑승해도 된다


Hapyeong·Sacheonjin·Sacheon Beach
Sacheon Port

There are two main beaches in Gangneung known for surfing, and Sacheon Beach is one of them. The area from Sacheonjin Port to Sacheon Beach may not be as large as Anmok, but there are several cafes along the coastal road. Sacheonjin Beach has a small rocky island connected by a short bridge, so you can cross over the sea to the island.

Reaching Hapyeong Beach, Sacheonjin Beach, and Sacheon Beach by public
transportation can be a bit challenging, as there are no direct buses from downtown Gangneung. However, you can transfer to a city bus or the Masil Bus
(Gangneung’s village bus) to get there. Alternatively, you can take the Seatea
bus that travels along the coastal road connecting Anmok and Jumunjin.





과거 순나물(순포)가 많이 나왔다는 곳. 그래서 바다와 주변에 있는 습지 이름이 순포다. 순포는 과거 사라질 뻔한 석호였는데, 최근 복원 사업을 통해 지금의 모습을 되찾았다. 순포해변 근처에는 강릉을 대표하는 체인 카페가 있는데, 소나무와 습지가 있어 다른 지점과는 전혀 다른 느낌이 난다. 경포호수에 있는 지점도 그렇고 이 브랜드의 위치 선정은 참 대단하게 하는 듯? 대중교통으로는 1-2시간에 1대 다니는 시티버스가 전부이지만, 해변을 따라 해파랑길, 바우길을 걸을 수 있다. 시간이 충분하다면 바다와 소나무를 따라 걷기 좋다.



Sunpo Beach
Sunpo Wetland

In the past, sun namul (edible greens called sunpo) grew abundantly here, which is why both the beach and the nearby wetland were named Sunpo. Sunpo was once an endangered lagoon, but recent restoration efforts have brought it back to life. Near Sunpo Beach, there’s a popular Gangneung chain cafe known for its unique locations - this one surrounded by pine trees and wetlands, creating a completely different vibe compared to other locations. The branch near Gyeongpo Lake also shows how well this brand chooses its spots. Though only one Seatea bus runs every 1-2 hours by public transportation, you can enjoy walking along the Haeparang-gil or Bau-gil Trail. If you have time, walking by the sea and pines is highly recommended.








사근진 해중공원전망대

이곳은 강릉을 대표하는 경포 바로 위 해변이지만, 의외로 대중교통이 많이 없다. 그래서 만약 주말이나 여름 휴가철에도 사람 없는 바다를 찾는다면 이곳을 추천한다. 경포에서 북쪽으로 조금만 더 올라가면 파스텔톤의 테트라포드가 있는 사근진해변이 나오고 조금 더 위로 올라가면 소나무 숲이 나온다. 송정해변 소나무 숲은 많은 사람들에게 알려졌지만, 이곳은 정말 아는 사람만 가는 곳이라 한적한 풍경을 즐길 수 있다. 조금 더 욕심을 내 위로 올라가면 순포습지도 있으니 함께 들려보자.

Sungeut·Sungaewul·Sageunjin Beach
Sageunjin Haejung Park Observatory

This beach lies just above Gyeongpo, one of Gangneung’s most iconic beaches, yet surprisingly it has limited public transportation access. If you're looking for a quiet beach spot, even on weekends or during summer vacation, this is
a great choice. Just a bit north of Gyeongpo, you’ll find Sageunjin Beach, where pastel-colored tetrapods line the shore. Going further up, you’ll come across a pine forest.

While Songjeong Beach’s pine forest is well-known, this place is less croded and ideal for those in search of a peaceful landscape. For those willing to explore a bit more, the Sunpo Wetland is further north and also worth a visit.



경포호, 경포생태저류지

강릉을 대표하는 바다이자 관광지. 부산 해운대, 보령 대천과 더불어 국내 3대 해수욕장 (혹은 헌팅 장소)로 알려진 곳. 여름 휴가철에는 밤바다를 보며 모래사장에서 돗자리를 깔고 술 먹는 사람들로 가득하다. 지금은 사라졌지만, 예전에는 경포까지 기차가 들어왔고, 옛 경포역은 지금의 라카이 샌드파인 리조트였다고 전해진다. 경포와 경포호, 경포대를 많이 헷갈려 하는데 경포는 경포해변을 포함한 넓은 의미의 지역을, 경포호는 경포해변과 연결된 호수(석호), 경포대는 경포호수에 있는 누각을 의미한다. 경포해변에 간다면 바로 옆에 멋진 경포호도 있으니 한 바퀴 돌아보는 것도 좋다.

Gyeongpo Beach
Gyeongpo Lake Lagoon, Gyeongpo Wetland Retarding Basin

As one of Gangneung’s iconic beaches and tourist destinations, Gyeongpo Beach is often mentioned alongside Haeundae in Busan and Daecheon in Boryeong as one of Korea’s top three beaches (and a popular social gathering spot). During the summer vacation season, it’s filled with people enjoying drinks on the sand while gazing at the night sea. Although now gone, there was once a train that went directly to Gyeongpo, with the former Gyeongpo Station located where the current Lakai Sand Pine Resort stands.

Many people confuse the terms 'Gyeongpo,' 'Gyeongpo Lake,' and 'Gyeongpodae.' Gyeongpo refers broadly to the entire area including Gyeongpo Beach, Gyeongpo Lake is the lagoon connected to the beach, and Gyeongpodae is a pavilion overlooking the lake.








초당동 두부마을

초당동 두부마을과 가장 가까운 바다. 그래서 주말에는 항상 여행객들로 붐빈다. 차도 많이 막히고 사람도 많아 강릉 사람들은 주말에 초당동이나 강문 쪽으로 가지 않는다. 예전에는 바다 바로 앞에 있는 공영주차장이 무료여서 차 안에서 바다를 많이 봤는데 지금은 유료가 되었다. (그래도 1시간까지 무료) 강문해변에서 걸어서 15분 정도 가면 허균허난설헌 기념공원이 있는데 고즈넉하니 좋으니 솔밭을 걸을 수 있다. 함께 들려 보자.

Gangmun Beach
Chodang Dubu Tofu Bean Curd Village

This is the beach closest to Chodang Dubu Village, which is why it’s always bustling with tourists on weekends. The traffic gets heavy, and there are so many people that locals in Gangneung generally avoid Chodang-dong and
Gangmun Beach on weekends.

Previously, the public parking lot right by the beach was free, so many people enjoyed the ocean view from their cars, but now there’s a fee (though parking is still free for the first hour).

About a 15-minute walk from Gangmun Beach is the Heogyun-Heonanseolheon Memorial Park, a peaceful spot with a pine forest trail. It's worth a visit.




해송숲, 카이트서핑

날씨 좋은 날 해변에 돗자리 혹은 의자에 앉아 바다 멍 때리기 좋은 곳. 모래사장을 따라 소나무 숲이 조성되어 있다. 모래사장에 앉아 파란 바다, 뒤로는 초록 소나무의 향기를 맡을 수 있다. 안목부터 강문까지 해변을 따라 소나무 숲이 조성되어 약 1시간 동안 소나무 숲을 걸을 수도 있다. 송정해변에는 작게나마 음료를 파는 매점과 앉을 수 있는 의자, 풋살장, 카이트서핑(보드를 탄 상태에서 연을 묶어 바다를 가로지르는 수상 스포츠)도 탈 수 있어 강릉 주민 남녀노소가 방문하는 곳이다.

Songjeong Beach
Pine Tree Forest, Kite Surfing

This is a perfect spot to simply relax by the beach, especially on a sunny day. You can sit on a mat or a chair, gaze at the ocean, and let your mind drift. A pine forest lines the sandy beach, so you can sit on the sand, take in the view of the
blue ocean in front of you, and enjoy the green pine scent behind. There’s a pine trail stretching from Anmok to Gangmun Beach, which takes about an hour to walk through. At Songjeong Beach, there’s a small snack bar selling drinks,
some seating areas, a futsal field, and kite surfing (a water sport where you cross the ocean on a board pulled by a kite). It's a favorite spot for Gangneung residents of all ages.










안목커피거리, 강릉항(울릉도행 여객선)

경포와 더불어 강릉에서 가장 유명한 해변. 해변을 따라 카페 거리가 모여 있어 강릉을 여행한다면 한 번쯤은 꼭 가보게 되는 곳이다. 강릉을 대표하는 여행지답게 여름 휴가철이나 주말에는 사람으로 붐빈다. 울릉도 가는 배가 안목에서 출발하고, 강릉에서 운행되는 대부분의 시내버스가 안목에서 출발해 접근성이 가장 좋은 해변이다. 안목에서 주문진까지 해안도로를 따라 시티버스가 운행되는데 경치가 좋으니 시간이 된다면 시티버스를 타보는 것도 추천한다.


Anmok Beach
Anmok Coffee Street, Gangneung Port (To Ulleungdo Island Ferry)

Along with Gyeongpo, this is one of the most famous beaches in Gangneung. Lined with cafes, Anmok Beach is a must-visit spot when traveling in Gangneung. As one of Gangneung’s iconic destinations, it’s bustling with visitors, especially during the summer vacation season and weekends. Ferries to Ulleungdo Island depart from Anmok, and most city buses in Gangneung start from here, making it the most accessible beach. A scenic city bus route runs along the coast from Anmok to Jumunjin, so if you have the time, taking the Seatea bus for the view is highly recommended.









정식 이름은 없지만 처음 갔을 때 정말 인상 깊었던 해변. 태고의 지구 모습이 있다면
이곳이 아닐까 싶다. 메이플비치 골프장 쪽 탐방로가 있는데, 소나무 숲속으로 들어가 파도 소리를 따라가다 보면 바다가 나온다. 그래서 정말 신비하게 느껴졌던 바다다. 과거에는 예쁜 몽돌해변이 있었다고 전해지는데, 주변에 발전소가 생기며 사라졌고, 매년 모래사장도 유실되고 있어 마음이 아픈 곳이기도 하다. 가는 길에 풍호마을이 있는데, 매년 여름 연꽃 축제를 연다. 함께 들려 연꽃을 즐기는 것도 추천한다.

Hasidong Gobungun Ancient Tomb

Though it has no official name, this beach left a deep impression on me during my first visit. If there’s a place that captures the Earth in its primordial state, it might be here. There’s a trail leading from Maple Beach Golf Course,
and as you follow the sound of the waves through a pine forest, you eventually reach the beach. This sense of discovery made it feel truly mysterious. I’ve heard there used to be a beautiful pebble beach here, but it disappeared after a nearby power plant was built, and every year more of the sandy shore is eroding. It’s a place that feels bittersweet.





화력 발전소가 있는 바다. 포켓몬스터에 나오는 태초 마을 같다고할까? 지금은 화력발전소가 모습이 사라지고 잊혀져 가는 해변이지만, 옛날에는 바닷물을 끓여 소금을 만들었다고 해 염전이라는 이름이 되었다. 과거에는 고기 잡는 마을이었는데, 발전소가 들어선 이후로 많은 사람들이 조업을 중단하거나 그나마 계속 어업에 종사하는 어부들은 안목이나 주문진까지 나가 조업을 하고 있다. 마을 사람들이 고양이를 잘 돌보는지, 유독 고양이가 많은 곳이기도 하다

Yeomjeon Beach·Aninjin Port·Anin Port

A beach with a thermal power plant. It might be reminiscent of the town from Pokémon, where everything seems untouched by time. While the power plant has disappeared and the beach is slowly being forgotten, it was once known for boiling seawater to make salt, which is how it earned the name Yeomjeon (Salt Field). Once a fishing village, many locals stopped fishing after the power plant was built. The few fishermen who continue their work now travel to Anmok or Jumunjin for fishing. Interestingly, the village has many cats, possibly because the locals take good care of the









정동진 가는 길에 있는 해변. 등명해변에는 등명낙가사라는 절이 있다. 등명낙가사는
등명사와 낙가사가 합쳐진 말이다. 등명사는 신라 선덕여왕 때 신라 선덕여왕 때 고구려와 왜구의 침범을 막기 위해 만들어진 절이었다. (삼국시대 강릉은 신라에 속했다) 하지만 조선시대에는 숭유억불(유교를 숭상하고 불교의 세력을 약하게 하는 국가 시책) 정책으로 폐사되었다. 폐사와 관련된 여러 이야기가 있는데, 왕이 사는 한양의 정동 쪽에 위치해 일출의 정기를 빼앗았다는 설, 절에서 쌀씻은 물이 동해로 흘러가 용왕을 노하게 했다는 설 등이 있다. 정동쪽에 있는 큰 절에서 그 후 다시 낙가사라는 이름으로 절이 세워져 현재까지 이어지고 있다.


Deungmyeong Beach
Deungmyeongnakgasa Temple

A beach on the way to Jeongdongjin, Deungmyeong Beach is home to a temple called Deungmyeong Naggasa. The name 'Deungmyeong Naggasa' is actually a combination of two names: Deungmyeongsa and Naggasa. Deungmyeongsa was established during the reign of Queen Seondeok of the Silla Dynasty to defend against invasions by Goguryeo and Japanese pirates (Gangneung was part of Silla during the Three Kingdoms period). However, during the Joseon Dynasty, it was destroyed due to the state policy of suppressing Buddhism and promoting Confucianism, known as Sungyueokbul.




정동진역, 정동진독립영화제

세계에서 가장 바다와 가까운 역, 정동진역이 있는 해변. 정동진역은 기네스북에 기재되기도 했다. 매년 여름 정동초등학교 운동장에서 정동진독립영화제가 열린다. 별이 지는 밤, 누구나 무료로 운동장에 앉아 영화를 관람할 수 있다. 정동진은 조선시대 경복궁에서 정(正) 동쪽에 있다고 하여 붙여진 이름이다. 강다방이 처음 강릉에 정착해 게스트하우스 할 때 후보지 중 하나였던 동네이기도 하다. 고성목해변은 네이버 지도에는 나오지 않지만, 카카오 지도에는 나오는 작고 잘 알려지지 않은 해변이다.

Goseongmok·Jeongdongjin Beach
Jeongdongjin Train Station, JIFF(Jeongdongjin Independent Film Festival)

One of the beaches with the closest train station to the sea in the world, Jeongdongjin Beach is home to Jeongdongjin Station, which is even listed in the Guinness World Records. Every summer, the Jeongdongjin Independent Film Festival is held at the Jeongdong Elementary School playground. On starry nights, anyone can sit in the playground and watch movies for free. The name 'Jeongdongjin' comes from the fact that it is located to the east (Jeong) of Gyeongbokgung Palace during the Joseon Dynasty. It was also one of the candidate locations when kangdbang first settled in Gangneung
and opened a guesthouse."








정동-심곡 바다부채길·헌화로

정동심곡바다 부채길은 정동항부터 심곡항까지 해안단구 옆을 걸을 수 있는 길이다. 바다를 향해 부채를 펼쳐놓은 모양과 같다고 하여 부채길로 불린다. 과거에는 리조트 안으로 들어가야 했는데, 강릉시에서 꽤 밀고 있는 관광지라 최근 길을 확장하고 매표소를 정동항으로 옮겼다. 중간에 화장실이 없으니 걷게 된다면 미리 화장실에 들렀다 가야한다. 헌화로는 해안을 따라 운전할 수 있는 도로로 삼국유사에서 수로부인에게 노인이 절벽에 핀 꽃을 따서 줬다는 이야기와 잘 어울려 붙여진 이름이다.


Jeongdong-Simgok Badabuchaegil
Sea Fan Road·Heonhwa-ro Coastal Road

The Jeongdong-Simgok Sea Fan Road (Jeongdong-Simgok Badabuchaegil) is a walking trail that stretches from Jeongdong Port to Simgok Port, running along the coastal terrace. The road is named 'Fan Road' because the shape
of the coastline is said to resemble a fan opened toward the sea. In the past, visitors had to enter the resort area, but recently, Gangneung City has been promoting this as a tourist attraction by expanding the trail and moving the ticket booth to Jeongdong Port. There are no restrooms along the trail, so it’s advised to stop by a restroom before you start walking. The road along the coast is called Heonhwa-ro, named after a story from the Samguk Yusa where an elderly man gave a flower that bloomed on a cliff to the wife of King Suro, which is said to align with the history of the place.





강릉에 있는 해변 중 서핑할 수 있는 곳 중 하나. 대중교통으로 한 번에 갈 수 없지만, 마실버스(강릉 마을버스)로 환승해 이동 가능하다. 사실 강릉은 시내에 사람이 가장 많이 살고, 그다음 북쪽에 있는 주문진 쪽에 사람들이 모여 산다. 그래서 남쪽 지역은 정동진을 빼고 잘 알지 못하는 경우가 많다. 강다방에게도 정동진 아래쪽은 익숙한 곳은 아니다. 그래도 기억을 더듬어 적어 보면, 금진에는 온천이 있고 전망 좋은 호텔이 있다. 호텔 15층에는 전망대와 카페가 있는데 투숙객이 아니어도 이용 가능하다. 탁 트인 바다를 볼 수 있으니 근처라면 들려볼 만하다.

Geumjin Beach
Geumjin Oncheon Hot Spring

The beach you’re referring to is likely Geumjin Beach, which is one of the popular spots for surfing in Gangneung. However, getting there by public transport can be a bit tricky, as there's no direct bus route from the city center.
Instead, you can transfer to the Masil Bus (Gangneung village bus), which connects different parts of the region.

Although the southern part of Gangneung, including areas like Geumjin, is less well-known compared to the city center and the northern parts (like Jumunjin), it offers hidden gems. Geumjin, for example, is home to a hot spring and a hotel
with great views of the sea. The hotel has an observation deck and a café on the 15th floor, where even non-guests can enjoy the panoramic view of the ocean. This makes it an excellent stop if you're in the area.










옥계 5일장 (매월 4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29일)

강릉 최남단에 있는 해변. 근처에 화물항이 있어 안목이나 경포처럼 널리 알려진 관광지, 해변은 아니다. 옥계는 동해시와 접해있는데, 강릉 시내보다 동해시가 더 가깝고 대중교통도 더 자주 다닌다. 매월 4와 9가 들어간 날에 오일장도 열리니 함께 들려보면 좋다.


Okgye Beach
Okgye 5-day Street Market
(4th, 9th, 14th, 19th, 24th, and 29th each month)

Okgye Beach located in the southernmost part of Gangneung. It's relatively less known compared to the more famous beaches like Anmok or Gyeongpo, largely due to its proximity to a cargo harbor. It's not a typical tourist destination, but the area has its own unique appeal, particularly for those seeking a quieter beach experience.

The area is close to Donghae City, and while Gangneung is the central city, Donghae is actually closer and has better public transportation connections. If you visit Okgye, it's also worth checking out the local 4th and 9th day markets, known as the "5-day markets," which are held on these dates each month. It’s a great way to experience the local culture and traditional shopping scene.








부서져도 다시
일어나는 파도처럼

아니 세상에 단 4권 있는 책을 찾아내다니! 그리고 마지막 장까지 펼쳐 이 글을 읽고 있다니... 당신은 정말 대단한 사람이다. 진심으로 감사드린다.

이 책은 강릉책문화센터 '내쓴내책' 수업을 들으며 제작된 책이다. 기존 강다방 이야기공장에서 판매 중이었던 <강다방 여행 가이드 강릉 바다 편>에 살을 붙여 만들었다. 처음에는 단순히 이미 정리된 글을 넣으면 쉽게 끝나겠다 싶었는데 그렇지 않았다. 마감을 얼마 남기지 않은 시점, 글자 크기가 너무 커보여 인디자인 프로그램 기본값 12포인트에서 10포인트로 변경했다. 12포인트였을 때는 종이가 꽉 차서 덜어내야 했던 글들이 10포인트로 변경되고 나니 여백이 너무 많아져 부랴부랴 글을 추가했다. 작업을 하기 전 글자 크기에 대해 충분히 고민해야 한다는 걸 배웠다. 책을 만드려는 사람이 이 글을 본다면 꼭 유의하길 바란다.

책을 만들며 어렸을 때 봤던 만화 영화가 자꾸 떠올랐다. 악당의 부하 과학자는 매회 주인공을 방해하다 실패하는데 그때마다 이런 말을 했다. "저에게 시간과 예산이 조금만 더 있었더라면..." 그렇다. 시간과 예산이 조금만 더 있었더라면... 더 좋은 책이 나올 수 있었을 텐데 아쉬움이 좀 남는다. 하루 종일 본업 일하고 밤에 퇴근해서는 책 만드는 작업을 하려니 좀 힘들었다. 그래서 며칠 동안 하루에 밥 먹고 자는 시간을 제외하고 일만 했다(라고 하면 거짓말이다). 이번 기회를 통해 책 만드는 일은 참 가성비 안 나오는 일이라는 걸 느꼈다.

마지막 수업을 앞두고 그냥 포기해 버릴까 잠깐 생각했다. 그런데 어디선가 읽었던 글이 떠올랐다. 우리가 바다를 좋아하는 건, 파도 때문이라고. 부서질 줄 알면서도 계속해서 일어나는 모습이 우리들 같기 때문이라고. 그게 좀 위로 됐다. 그래서 끝까지 해야겠다고 다짐했다. 지금 포기하면 다음에도 포기하게 되지 않을까. 이번에 끝을 낼 수 있다면 다음 번은 지금보다 조금 더 나아지지 않을까. 그러니 이 글을 보는 이들도 무언가 계획하고 도전하는 게 있다면 끝까지 포기하지 않았으면 좋겠다.

책을 만들고 글을 정리하며 강릉에서 있었던 6년을 되돌아 볼 수 있었다. 때로는 부서졌고 다시 일어났던 6년 간의 시간. 조금은 엉성하고 부족한 이 책이 그리고 강릉의 바다가 여러분에게 파도처럼 부서지더라도 다시 일어날 수 있는 힘과 용기가 되어주길 바란다.


Like the waves
that break but rise again

Oh my! To have discovered one of only 4 copies of this book! And to have read through to the final page... you are truly remarkable. I am sincerely grateful.

This book was created as part of the class at the Gangneung Book Culture Center.  It builds upon the existing "Kangdbang Travel Guide: Gangneung Sea Edition" which was previously available through kangdbang content lab . Initially, I thought I could simply add organized content to complete it easily, but things turned out differently. Shortly before the deadline, I changed the font size in InDesign from the default 12-point to 10-point. At 12 points, the pages were so full I needed to remove content, but at 10 points, there was so much empty space that I hastily added more.

I keep recalling a cartoon I watched as a kid. There was a villain's scientist minion who would try to foil the protagonist each episode, only to fail. Every time, he would say, "If only I had a little more time and budget..." Yes, if only there had been a bit more time and budget... maybe this book could have been even better. Working all day in my primary job, then spending nights editing this book, was quite challenging. For a few days, it felt like all I did was work, except for eating and sleeping (well, that might be an exaggeration). Through this experience, I’ve realized how creating a book can sometimes be a rather "unrewarding" endeavor.

Right before the final class, I even considered quitting. But then, I remembered something I’d read. It said that people love the sea because of the waves - how they continue to rise even though they know they'll break. That resemblance to ourselves offered a bit of comfort. So I resolved to finish. If I gave up now, would I end up giving up again in the future? But if I saw this through to the end, maybe next time, I’d do even better. So to those reading this, if you have a plan or a challenge you’re pursuing, I hope you won’t give up.

Making this book and organizing my writings gave me a chance to reflect on my 6years in Gangneung. 6 years filled with times of breaking and rising again. I hope that the stories within this somewhat clumsy, imperfect book, along with the seas of Gangneung, can offer you the courage to rise again like the waves, even if you break.








강릉 바다 18
18 Gangneung Beaches

발행일 2024년 11월 19일

편집 디자인 : 강다방
그림 : OpenTTD (GPLv2)
글 : 강다방

발행처 : 강릉시청
진행 : 강릉책문화센터
(우) 25522 강원특별자치도 강릉시 강릉대로 33

이 책은 강릉책문화센터 '내쓴내책' 프로그램 결과물입니다.
이 책 저작권법에 따라 무단 전재와 복제를 금합니다.








