BBC Learning English
6 Minute English
Coronavirus vs other pandemics
(Episode 201224 / 24 Dec 2020)
BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English / Coronavirus vs other pandemics
Hear about coronavirus and how it isn’t that bad compared to historical pandemics
to top it off
게다가, 그 외에도, 금상첨화, 설상가상으로
People getting sick, losing their jobs and to top it off, the pubs in some places are closed!
have got to
…하지 않으면 안된다, …해야 한다.
You’ve got to look at the bigger picture–the long-term, overall view of a complex situation.
the bigger picture
the long-term, overall view of a complex situation
You’ve got to look at the bigger picture–the long-term, overall view of a complex situation.
미국·영국 [prɪˈdɪktəbl]
1. 예측할 수 있는
2. (일·행동 등이 재미없을 정도로) 너무 뻔한
it’s a fairly predictable thing a historian would say but change and widespread diseases are nothing new.
lethal 미국·영국 [ˈliːθl]
[causing death; extremely dangerous
[형용사] 1. 치명적인(죽음을 초래할 정도의)
2. 치명적인(돌이킬 수 없는 해악을 초래하는)
Our ancestors all lived through big pandemics, some of them which were much more lethal than coronavirus
having people living together in buildings close to one another
And one of the products of living together in high-densitypopulations, going back as far as historicalrecords go, is you find there are transitions of disease from animals to human beings and they inflict damage.
as[so] far as
1. (거리·범위·정도가) …까지
2. …와 같은[같이 먼] 거리까지
3. …하는 한; …에 관한 한
And one of the products of living together in high-densitypopulations, going back as far as historicalrecords go, is you find there are transitions of disease from animals to human beings and they inflict damage.
미국∙영국 [træn|zɪʃn; træn│sɪʃn] 미국식 [træn|zɪʃn; træn│sɪʃn]
[명사] (다른 상태·조건으로의) 이행(移行)[과도(過渡)]
And one of the products of living together in high-densitypopulations, going back as far as historicalrecords go, is you find there are transitions of disease from animals to human beings and they inflict damage.
미국식 [mɔːrˈt-] play 영국식 [mɔːˈtæləti]
[명사] 1. 언젠가는 죽어야 함, 죽음을 피할 수 없음, 필사
2. (특정 기간·상황에서의) 사망자 수
3. 사망
And that damage typically you measure in mortality rates but then the economic and social consequences of disease.
미국식 [ˈkɑːnsəkwens] 영국식 [ˈkɒnsɪkwəns]
[명사] 1. (발생한 일의) 결과 2. (격식) 중요함
And that damage typically you measure in mortality rates but then the economic and social consequences of disease.
In (the) olden days
(also in olden times) a long time ago
In olden days this included living together with animals, making the transmission of disease to humans much easier.
미국∙영국 [ træns|mɪʃn; trænz|mɪʃn ]
[명사] 1. 전염, 전파, 전달 2. 전송, 송신 3. 방송
One reason Peter gives for this is the high-densityof populations, meaning people living together in buildings very close to one another. In olden days this included living together with animals, making the transmission of disease to humans much easier.
미국식 [fliː] 영국식
[명사] 벼룩
Right, Georgina, like the flea-infested rats which spread the plague across Europe in the Middle Ages.
infest 미국식 [ɪnˈfest] 영국식
[동사] 들끓다, 우글거리다
Right, Georgina, like the flea-infested rats which spread the plague across Europe in the Middle Ages.
미국·영국 [pleɪɡ]
[명사] 1. = bubonic plague (페스트) 2. 전염병 3. (어떤 지역에 나타나 큰 손해를 끼치는 많은 수의 동물곤충) 떼
Right, Georgina, like the flea-infested rats which spread the plague across Europe in the Middle Ages.
미국∙영국 [pəˈrɪfərəl]
happening at the edge, not centre, of somethin
[형용사] 1. (중요하지 않은) 주변적인, 지엽적인 2. 말초의; 주변부의 3. 주변 장치
your geographical position in the world matters –if you’re if you’re geographically peripherallike Scandinavia or New Zealand, then you have a different dose, a different level of connectivity with the rest of the world.
미국식 [doʊs] 영국식 [dəʊs]
(informal)something unpleasant to experience
[명사] 1. (약의) 복용량 2. (어느 정도의) 양, 약간 3. (약을) ~에게 먹이다/(스스로) 먹다
your geographical position in the world matters –if you’re if you’re geographically peripherallike Scandinavia or New Zealand, then you have a different dose, a different level of connectivity with the rest of the world.
flight routes
air routesand connections followed by airplane
If you’re a country like the UK which is the centre of all global flight routes, then the incidence of people going backwards and forwards, in and out of your country -you’re going to spread and catch much quicker.
미국식 [ˈskɔːrkɑːrd] play 영국식 [ˈskɔːkɑːd]
득점 카드, 득점표
The scorecard is very mixed and there’ve been some democratic systems that have been extremely resilient and robust at anticipating it and some that have got it wrong.
미국·영국 [rɪˈzɪliənt]
[형용사] 1. (충격·부상 등에 대해) 회복력 있는 2. 탄력 있는
The scorecard is very mixed and there’ve been some democratic systems that have been extremely resilient and robust at anticipating it and some that have got it wrong.
미국식 [roʊ-] play 영국식 [rəʊˈbʌst]
[형용사] 1. 원기 왕성한, 팔팔한 2. (기구 등이) 튼튼한 3. 탄탄한
The scorecard is very mixed and there’ve been some democratic systems that have been extremely resilient and robust at anticipating it and some that have got it wrong.
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