BBC Learning English
6 Minute English
How resilient are you?
(Episode 200213 / 13 Feb 2020)
BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English / How resilient are you?
Are we born with the ability to cope well with difficult situations? Can we learn it?
resilient (adjective)
미국·영국 [rɪˈzɪliənt]
able to cope with difficult situations or to improve quickly after an illness or injury
[형용사] 1. (충격·부상 등에 대해) 회복력 있는 2. 탄력 있는
How resilient are you?
resilience (noun)
미국·영국 [rɪˈzɪliəns]
ability to cope with difficult situations or improve quickly after an illness or injury
[명사] 1. (충격·부상 등에서의) 회복력 2. 탄성(彈性), 탄력
Today we’re discussing whether we’re born with resilience or we have to learn it
미국식 [koʊp] 영국식 [kəʊp]
[동사] 1. 대처[대응]하다 (=manage)
[명사] 2. (성직자가 특별 의식 때 입는) 긴 사제복
You mean able to cope with difficult situations.
미국·영국 [ˈsʌbstəns]
[명사] 1. 물질 2. 실체 3. 본질, 핵심, 요지
Resilience is also a word used in science to describe the characteristic of a substance or object.
미국식 [treɪt] 영국식
[명사] (성격상의) 특성
Well, it is a useful trait to have,and it’s something that can help you deal with many difficult situations from coping with the pressures of work to handling the death of a loved one.
toughen up
완전히 강해지다.
And it’s more than just telling someone to ‘toughen up’ or ‘get a grip’, as Dr David Westleyknows.
get a grip
(심하게 흥분한 뒤에) 정신을 바짝 차리다
And it’s more than just telling someone to ‘toughen up’ or ‘get a grip’, as Dr David Westleyknows.
미국식 [ˌɑːp-] 영국식 [ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk]
have positive thoughts about the future and believe things will turn out well
[형용사] 낙관적인, 낙관하는
So, for example, one way to look at that would be just to look at how optimistic people are as a guide to how resilient they might be when times get tough.
미국·영국 [dɪˈstres]
feeling you get when you are worried or upset by something
[명사] 1. (정신적) 고통, 괴로움 2. 고충, 곤경 3. 조난 (위험)
How well we can actually regulate our own nervous systems at times of distress.
미국·영국 [fʌs]
[명사, 동사] 1. 호들갑, 법석, 야단 2. (특히 하찮은 것에 대한) 화 3. 법석을 떨다
It’s interesting to note that a resilient person isn’t necessarily someone quiet, who doesn’t make a fuss and gets on with things.
미국·영국 [sú:θ]
[명사, 형용사] 1. 진실, 사실, 현실 2. 누그러뜨리는, 부드러운 3. 진실의, 실제의
When we’re distressed,a resilient person is able to sooth his or her body and regulate his or her nervous system,which helps them stay calm.
미국·영국 [ˈmænɪfest]
show clearly and is easy to notice
[동사, 형용사] 1.(특히 감정태도특질을 분명히) 나타내다 2.나타나다, 분명해지다 3.(보거나 이해하기에) 분명한
Ann Masten talks about how some of the children she studied manifest resilience from the start.
미국식 [-ˈvɜːrs-] 영국식 [ədˈvɜːsəti]
difficult situation in somebody’s life
[명사] 역경
They remain resilient despite adversity–a difficult time in their life they have had to face.
late bloomer
만성형(晩成型)의 사람
Other children, what she calls the late bloomers, started off less resilient, struggled with adversity, but turned their lives around by becoming more resilient.
미국·영국 [ˈriːkæp]
[동사] (이미 한 말·결정 사항 등의) 개요를 말하다
Now we need to recap the vocabulary we’ve mentioned today...
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